
Tar. Everything about tarmac & asphalt

Welcome to our website dedicated to tar. In fact everything tarmac, asphalt, tar sealers, cleaners & bitumen related.

We hope we can find you the very best tarmac contractors for machine & hand laid tarmac work throughout the UK. If you are interested a home owner and want a free estimate or quotation to surface your home driveway or pathway please have a look at our list of recommended tarmac driveway specialist that do smaller domestic work in your area. If you are a commercial civil engineering company and that is looking for a large commercial paving asphalt paving contractor for a large commercial road or highway to be surfaced we can help you find one.

Whatever your needs we are sure we can help you find the very best tarmac contractors that work throughout the UK.

Tar cleaners and colour restorers for tarmac

We have the very best cleaners for removing moss and weeds from tarmac that you can easily apply by watering can. You can buy the latest products of tar technology in tarmac colour restorers. These are great if you have an old tarmac driveway and you don’t want to have it resurfaced, you just want to paint it black or red to restore its original colour.

Helpful guides and tutorials

We also have many helpful guides and tutorials you can read or when available, simply watch the videos we have made. These are great learning aides if you are confident of doing the work yourself or are a keen DIY’er. They are great if you want to learn how to keep your driveway clean and weed free. or you are looking to re-colour old tarmac to its original black or red colour. Or just simply because you want to see how professional contractors go about laying, restoring and maintaining tarmac and asphald road, driveways & pathways.